Here is what clients are saying

Candy San Fransisco

“I was introduced to Daniel through a good friend and decided to start virtual sessions with him when we went into lockdown. As someone who was an avid Classpass user and doing a variety of classes nothing compares to doing personal training sessions. Daniel is also a top notch trainer, who knows how to create a full body workout that is challenging but also knows the importance of mobility. His positive attitude also helps to keep you motivated. At 44, my body feels stronger than it's ever felt and I love the results that I’ve seen so far from working with him. I look forward to our weekly sessions especially during this time and it’s been both mentally and physically rewarding!!”

— Candy (San Fransisco, CA)

Jess and Jonathan

“We have worked out together with Daniel over FaceTime for a few months. He’s been great at balancing both our fitness needs at the same time while making sure to kick our butts every session. They say couples who are sore together stay together!”

— Jess and Jonathan (Jersey City, NJ)

Jen Z. (San Fransisco, CA)

“Daniel is the first trainer I’ve had. Previously, I only did yoga. I even did yoga teacher training. With COVID, my motivation died and I needed something different. Daniel is now one of the highlights of my week. He provides me structure, motivation, and stronger sense of self. He teaches you so much. I’ve examined and learned alignment, nutrition, and how to just be nice to myself. I’m incredibly lucky and grateful to work with Daniel, and I’m excited for how ripppppped I’m going to get by the end of the year!”

— Jen Z. (San Fransisco, CA)

Wolfgang T

“When I met Daniel a year and half ago, I asked him why I should choose him as my personal trainer. Not only his response was out of the ballpark, Daniel demonstrated invaluable professionalism, technique and knowledge in the area of fitness. I have been training with Daniel for a year and half, HIIT, core and functional exercises, 3 times a week, and it only took us 3 months to reach a level of physical fitness, at my 53’ that I was not able reach before. Most importantly, I am happier, mentally much fit. Undoubtedly, Daniel can help you gain a healthier lifestyle.”

— Wolfgang T. (Miami, FL)

Nick P

“I’ve worked with Daniel for a short time. But in that period I’ve already seen big improvements. He’s good about mixing up the exercises we do during our sessions. He’s incredibly patient but knows when to push you beyond your limits. And he’s quick to add a tip or two to your overall health regimen. But what really makes the difference is his attention to detail. Key to working out is working efficiently, and if your arms aren’t positioned correctly or you’re using the wrong muscles, for example, he will see it and correct it. That’s a gift and it’s very rare in his line of work.”

— Nick P. (Manhattan, NY)

Jen C

“After years of working out on my own at Equinox and not seeing enough change, I decided it was time to give personal training a try. I was paired up with Daniel and was instantly hooked. I immediately felt comfortable with him and started to look forward to the workouts. Within a month, I saw a change in my body and energy level - it was the motivation I needed. His varied workouts always feel safe yet challenging and he knows just how to push me to keep getting stronger. After he left New York, I worked with several other trainers and it was never the same. I’m thrilled that I’m able to work out with him once again (albeit virtually) and from the comforts of my own home!”

— Jen C. (San Fransisco, CA)

Mance B

“I have been training with Daniel for more than a year. In that time Daniel has encouraged and challenged me. With his guidance, I have lost nearly 30 pounds of fat, accomplished many goals in the weight room, and grown physically and mentally. Through the training I have learned a lot about fitness, gained a new outlook on life, and had a lot of fun.”

— Mance B. (Miami, FL)

Jamie W

“I've been training with Daniel for a couple of months now and I've seen great improvement in my flexibility and strength. As a soccer player, I have never been very flexible and this is prone for injurys. I told Daniel this and he helped me loosen up my thight muscles as well as build strength in my upper body, thighs, and my core. My lowerback and core have always been weak spots for me and after targeted training to those areas, I've seen improvement which will definitely help me play and feel better!”

— Jamie W. (Roosendaal, The Netherlands)